November 2022
We just finished our first fundraiser sale. It was a ton of work and so many in the community were blessed with great deals. We hit our goal thanks to some very generous people. Our friends and church came through and volunteered so much of their time to help us with this sale. We are so grateful! Our first plan is to feed the large elderly group in Phaeton.

JULY 2021
We are so excited to announce we have FOUND [👏] OUR [👏] LAND [👏] !!! God has provided a MIRACLE for our ministry and we purchased 10 Acres for roughly 1/8 of the price it would have normally been!
This land is right in the center of where we do allll our ministry. We will be in the heart of Phaeton, about 30 minutes from the airport and right on a beautiful bay/inlet, protecting us from harsh elements!
We are completely in awe and thrilled to show you all this slice of heaven, right on the water. Our fundraising for our ministry house will begin soon. Thanks for keeping up with us. There are HUGE things coming for the Vine Haiti as we continue to pray for God to lead us in the direction He wants!
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The Vine Haiti © 2024